Spare Space has been set up exclusively with the focus on high quality garden buildings. We design, manufacture and install garden buildings such as offices, gyms, home studios and spas. Spare Space ambition is to become the industry leader of purpose-built garden buildings. Overall we bring in excess of 25 years of operations and experience from landscaping and building industry to each of our projects. We work in partnership with UK and European suppliers and manufacturers to ensure our buildings are made of modern quality materials and are built to last.


Our mission is to deliver products our customers trust and enjoy using. We are aiming to provide our customers with high-quality purpose-built buildings which are great to use whatever the weather. Customer satisfaction, transparancy and ease of doing business with us is our priority.

Our operations

Each project is assigned to a single team. Our skilled employees are motivated to produce excellent work, on time and within the agreed parameters. At the end of each assignment, they are proud of what has been achieved. We do not let our standards slip.

MS. J.P. Phelps

Pleasant and professional team of people.
Spare Space has delivered on their promises.

Mr. S. Donogan

Delivered on schedule without any quality compromise.

Mrs. C. Westbrook

Very happy with my lovely garden fitness studio. Looks great!
Well done Spare Space!